A gift from your super friend
Blending in like a chameleon
Used a Ninja Cloak to avoid an enemy
Caffeine runs through my veins
Entered into Hyperactive Mode
Caveman Warrior
Do you remember how many coffees you have drunk in your life?
Picked over 9000 coffees
Does whatever a spider can
Used a Ninja Suction Cup to climb a wall
Everybody, chill
Used Yuki Onna Breath to freeze an enemy
First Steps
Took a step
Folded a thousand times
Used a Katana to kill an enemy
Go Ninja Go!
Cleared a level with an S-Rank
Hiding is not always for cowards
Unlocked Kamomitsu
I ain't afraid of no Ghost
I think it's shorter this way
If you ever tell anyone about me...
Unlocked Yukiko
Just five more minutes, please...
Took a nap
Long Monday
Cleared a level without picking a single coffee
No brakes on the Coffee Train
Cleared a level without stopping once after entering Hyperactive Mode
Oh! That's a Baseball!
Ready to be a game reviewer
Richest ninja in town
S is for SUPER
Cleared all levels with an S-rank
Still in training
Got killed by a Mokujin. (Seriously?)
Super Hyperactive Ninja
The Evil Shogun is defeated. Nippon is at peace
The morning sun has vanquished the horrible night
The Ninja who leapt for coffee
Performed a jump
The path of shadows
These things are made for climbing
Unlocked Kyu
This blade is cursed
Unlocked Yaiba
This could be considered a miracle by some
Used a Mizugumo to walk on water
Walk like a Water Strider
Unlocked Kumo
Who you gonna call?
Got killed by a Ghost
Winners don't use drugs. They use coffee
Used a Take Away Coffee and completed the level
Wow. Such bad, git gud
Got killed by a Ninja Dog
Yes, this is a Jojo reference
You must defeat Sheng Long to stand a chance