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Все достижения Kio's Adventure

Kio's Adventure - достижения в Steam (32)
A gift
A gift
Get a gift from Light
A long story
A long story
Too long and I don't understand
Beat the boss at bathroom
Beat the boss at bathroom
Beat the boss at bathroom
Big fan
Big fan
Get the photo from Stan
Beat the final boss
Curiosity killed the cat
Curiosity killed the cat
Something should not be touched
Doing doesn't match thinking
Doing doesn't match thinking
Saying no while doing yes
Don't be greedy
Don't be greedy
Greed curses you
Don't cure yourself
Don't cure yourself
Don't cure yourself
Dumb ways to die
Dumb ways to die
Collect all of dead pitures
Good patient
Good patient
Wait until get in C's room
He made this!
He made this!
Find WHO made this game
Here they are
Here they are
Find all of hidden rooms
Himouto Kio
Himouto Kio
If I can be a himouto
Ignore his advice
Ignore his advice
You deserve to die
It's high noon
It's high noon
Beat the final boss only use pistol
Meet the murderer
Meet the murderer
Can't wait to meet Bobo
Only can see
Only can see
Free the hands first
Am I dead?
Save the game
Save the game
First time to save the game
Scare me suddenly
Scare me suddenly
The map is bad
Shoot me if you dare
Shoot me if you dare
Be brave!
Skating expert
Skating expert
Quickest skating
Sneak to touch the picture
Sneak to touch the picture
Touch the picture when sneaking at Bobo's living room
Stupid design
Stupid design
Who figure out this idea?
No zuo no die
The first blood
The first blood
Feel painful
I want some drinks
Useless technology
Useless technology
Especially in such bad world
Watch the animation
Watch the animation
Completely watch the animation of key srhinking
Weird picture
Weird picture
Find weird picture
Where is Sadako
Where is Sadako
I think she is out