HammerHelm - достижения в Steam (31)
A New Home
Place a house
All's Well
Place a water well
Blood Stone Armor
Craft a full set of blood stone armor
Bustling Town
Place 10 houses
Cave Clearer
Clear monsters from a cave
Have a Stonemason craft a fireplace
Copper Armor
Craft a full set of copper armor
Craft Weapon
Craft any weapon
Diamond Armor
Craft a full set of diamond armor
Drink Up
Place a brewery and assign a brewer
Dungeon Destroyer
Destroy monsters in a dungeon
Place a farm and assign a farmer
Fully Furnished
Have a carpenter and 3 fully furnished homes
Gold Armor
Craft a full set of gold armor
Gone Fishing
Place a fishing pier and assign a fisherman
Meet Grrrumble and learn his story
Iron Armor
Craft a full set of iron armor
Jade Armor
Craft a full set of jade armor
Chop down a tree
Mighty Weapon
Imbue a weapon using a gem
Miner Miner
Mine three ore rocks
Monster Hunter
Destroy 4 monster camps
Destroy a necromancer
Craft a healing potion
Ready for Battle
Place a weaponsmith and an armorsmith
Place a sewer entrance
Shaydee Business
Meet Shaydee the Goblin
Shields Up
Craft a shield
Skill Up
Spend 5 skill points
Tall as a Tower
Place 4 stone towers
Walls of Stone
Place a stone entrance