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Все достижения Goats On A Bridge

Goats On A Bridge - достижения в Steam (22)
A Grand Feast
A Grand Feast
Completed Episode 2.
Walk over a total of 200 invisible tiles.
Slide under a total of 150 Traps.
Can't touch this!
Can't touch this!
Jump over a total of 150 traps.
Gallop for Gold!
Gallop for Gold!
Run a total of 1000 meters.
Hoody the Turtle
Hoody the Turtle
Ride Hoody a total of 30 times.
How could you!?
How could you!?
I'm a Survivor!
I'm a Survivor!
Get Knocked Out 100 times.
It looks safer down here!
It looks safer down here!
Slide under 25 Traps in a single Portal Run.
Jump for your life!
Jump for your life!
Jump over 25 Traps in a single Portal Run.
Keen Eye
Keen Eye
Let it go
Let it go
Slide across 300 icy tiles.
Master Goat
Master Goat
Mr Moneybags!
Mr Moneybags!
Collect a total of 1,000 Coins.
Oooh, Shiny!
Oooh, Shiny!
Collect 100 Coins in a single Portal Run.
Run at least 150 meters in a Single Portal Run.
The End
The End
Completed the Story.
Treasure Hunter Extraordinaire
Treasure Hunter Extraordinaire
Up, up and away!
Up, up and away!
Used 100 Balloon Basket rides.
What's this Button do?
What's this Button do?
Activate a total of 100 switches.
Winter is Coming
Winter is Coming
Become an Ice Cube 100 times.