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Все достижения CRIMESIGHT

CRIMESIGHT - достижения в Steam (27)
A trusty comrade is always of use
A trusty comrade is always of use
Использовано штампов: 10.
Agatha's murderous urge
Agatha's murderous urge
Agatha совершила убийство.
Berkeley's murderous urge
Berkeley's murderous urge
Berkeley совершил убийство.
Catherine's murderous urge
Catherine's murderous urge
Catherine совершила убийство.
Dorothy's murderous urge
Dorothy's murderous urge
Dorothy совершила убийство.
Личность убийцы установлена во время последних рассуждений.
Ellery's murderous urge
Ellery's murderous urge
Ellery совершил убийство.
Freeman's murderous urge
Freeman's murderous urge
Freeman совершил убийство.
Good-night, Mister Sherlock
Good-night, Mister Sherlock
Одержана победа во время игры с Irene.
I know every move of your game
I know every move of your game
Сообщники Moriarty совершили убийство во время партии.
I play the game for the game's own sake
I play the game for the game's own sake
Сыграно партий: 30.
It is a great thing for me to have someone talk to
It is a great thing for me to have someone talk to
Отвечено на штамп 10 раз (-а).
It is inevitable destruction
It is inevitable destruction
Электричество было отключено 3 раз (-а).
It is only a scratch
It is only a scratch
Лекарство использовано 2 раз (-а).
Its solution is  its own reward
Its solution is its own reward
Убийство с помощью команды «Устранить» предотвращено 5 раз (-а).
Nothing but energy can save you
Nothing but energy can save you
Подача электричества была восстановлена 3 раз (-а).
On the same intellectual plane
On the same intellectual plane
Одержана победа в режиме 1 на 1.
Out of the common is usually a guide rather than a hindrance
Out of the common is usually a guide rather than a hindrance
Слезоточивый газ использован 3 раз (-а).
The consulting detective
The consulting detective
Одержано побед во время игры на стороне Sherlock: 50.
The fates are against you
The fates are against you
Совершено убийств с помощью команды «Устранить»: 5.
The first consideration is to remove the pressing danger
The first consideration is to remove the pressing danger
Убито собак: 3.
The professor
The professor
Одержано побед во время игры на стороне Moriarty: 50.
There is too much evidence
There is too much evidence
Во время партии у всех персонажей было оружие.
To help the ends of justice
To help the ends of justice
Личность убийцы установлена с помощью умозаключений Sherlock.
We are getting some cards in our hand
We are getting some cards in our hand
Фигуранты отправлены на поиски 100 раз (-а).
Why does fate play such tricks with poor
Why does fate play such tricks with poor
Газовая труба была отремонтирована 3 раз (-а).
You see, but you do not observe
You see, but you do not observe
Использовано тайных ходов: 3.