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Все достижения Shakedown Hawaii

Shakedown Hawaii - достижения в Steam (25)
Pawn a trunk worth over $500.
Background Noise
Background Noise
Photobomb someone taking a selfie.
Business Mogul
Business Mogul
Acquire every building in the city.
Chopped A Man Bun
Chopped A Man Bun
Use scissors to chop off someone's man bun.
Throw an enemy into the back of a garbage truck.
Down the Chain
Down the Chain
Use a chaingun to push a vehicle into the water.
Flushed Out!
Flushed Out!
Use toilet water to extinguish a fire.
Freely Loaded
Freely Loaded
Hijack an ammo truck.
Get Inconspicuous!
Get Inconspicuous!
Clear enough heat to earn a cop coin, then get inconspicuous.
Golden Age
Golden Age
Get a gold medal in every challenge.
Heads up!
Heads up!
Bounce off three civilians without touching the ground.
I'm Still Hungry
I'm Still Hungry
Complete every mission and sidequest.
Jalopy Gallop
Jalopy Gallop
Jump over and clear another vehicle using nitro.
Just Test Driving!
Just Test Driving!
"Borrow" someone's vehicle.
Acquire a property or business.
Low Battery
Low Battery
Collect all 30 phone chargers.
Maxed Out
Maxed Out
Upgrade a business with every multiplier.
Generate over $5,000,000 per day.
Smoke Bomb
Smoke Bomb
Use a vehicle's nitro flame to set an enemy on fire.
Tanks for That
Tanks for That
Sell a tank to the auto export.
The Gerihat-trick
The Gerihat-trick
Take down three days of delivery trucks.
The Namesake
The Namesake
Shakedown every available business for protection money.
Bounce off a trampoline and land on someone.
Park a boat in a garage.
Wet Landing
Wet Landing
Knock someone into the water using a boat.