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Все достижения Katana ZERO

Katana ZERO - достижения в Steam (22)
Coffin Head
Coffin Head
Don't hang up!
Don't hang up!
Feline Persuasion
Feline Persuasion
Forbidden Ultimate Danger Tempest-Eyed MAJORDOMO Imperial Barrage Crab, Evixion
Forbidden Ultimate Danger Tempest-Eyed MAJORDOMO Imperial Barrage Crab, Evixion
Funny prank
Funny prank
Gold Medal
Gold Medal
Achieve a total rank of gold or higher in a full speedrun.
Complete a full run in hard mode.
Master key
Master key
No love for robots
No love for robots
Party Animal
Party Animal
Phoenix key
Phoenix key
Prism key
Prism key
Prototype key
Prototype key
Refused medication
Refused medication
Savant key
Savant key
Secret hunter
Secret hunter
The Dragon's tape
The Dragon's tape
The End
The End
To be continued
To be continued
What a bad idea
What a bad idea