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Все достижения Red Game Without A Great Name

Red Game Without A Great Name - достижения в Steam (19)
30 deaths by flying away from screen
30 deaths by flying away from screen
Falling behind
30 deaths by gates
30 deaths by gates
Try knocking
30 deaths by spikes
30 deaths by spikes
Never knew you were into piercing!
30 deaths by vanes
30 deaths by vanes
You spin me right round...
Die 20 times in a single level
Die 20 times in a single level
Wow, that's persistent!
Die 50 times in a single level
Die 50 times in a single level
I would have given up long ago...
Die 5000 times overal
Die 5000 times overal
You make a Pheonix look bad
Die for the first time
Die for the first time
First of many, many to come!
Finish  level with no deaths
Finish level with no deaths
Finish 20 levels
Finish 20 levels
Post office graduate
Finish 30 levels flawless
Finish 30 levels flawless
Nothing can hold you back!
Finish 30 levels with 3 gears
Finish 30 levels with 3 gears
Halfway through
Finish 30 levels with no deaths
Finish 30 levels with no deaths
The valiant never taste of death
Finish 40 levels
Finish 40 levels
Senior post office employee
Finish a level with 3 gears
Finish a level with 3 gears
Finish all levels flawless
Finish all levels flawless
Flawless victory
Finish all the levels
Finish all the levels
Delivery legend!
Finish all the levels with 3 gears
Finish all the levels with 3 gears
Gears of Delivery
Finish First Level
Finish First Level
Impossible NOT to achieve