A Ropeless Situation
Reach any exit of Woodland Vestibule without using the rope.
A Walk in the Park
Find the Verdant Burrows sepulcher.
Air to the Throne
Get 12 seconds of air time with the Chariot.
All Aboard
Have 20 looters looting the Chariot at the same time.
Break Everything
Finish the Chasm Crossing speed run within 70 seconds.
Breaker of Dreams
Find the hidden level.
Deceased Parcel Service
Deliver a Chariot blueprint crate to its destination.
Family Reunion
Find all three skulls in every level.
First-Class Ride
Fully upgrade the Chariot.
Fully Equipped
Unlock all gadgets.
Going Down
Find the Obsidian Pits sepulcher.
Greased Lightning
Obtain a gold medal in every speed run.
Use the Omni Boots to withstand 10 Flipper flips.
Had You Worried There
Warp an off-screen Chariot with less than a second to spare.
Half of Zero is Still Zero
Use the Slowdown while the Stasis Field is active.
Have an Ice Day
Find the Crystal Chasm sepulcher.
Play a level from beginning to end with a second player.
Just Deserts
Find the Sandstone Ruins sepulcher.
Encounter a looter of each type.
Master Craftsman
Fully upgrade a gadget.
Might Come In Handy
Unlock a gadget.
Never Not Sliding
Reach any exit of the Crystal Castle without winding the rope or locking.
No Second Chances
Reach any exit of Molten River without respawning.
Not All It’s Cracked Up To Be
Go swimming in lava and emerge unscathed.
Off the Beaten Path
Find an alternate exit.
Off to Adventure and All That!
Complete a level with the Shopkeeper.
Only the Lonely
Locate and obtain the largest type of blue jewel without a second player.
Find all alternate exits.
Quiet, Your Majesty
Reach any exit of the Hive without alerting any looters.
Rest in Peace Already
Reach 100% completion.
Ride Towards the Light
Find the Luminous Abyss sepulcher.
Rising Star
Obtain a gold medal in a speed run.
Rookie Charioteer
Obtain a bronze medal or better in a speed run.
Royal Cartographer
Completely reveal the map of all levels.
Royal Delivery
Deliver all Chariot blueprint crates to their destination.
Royal Sampler
Try out all three versions of the Royal Arms.
Seasoned Charioteer
Obtain a bronze medal or better in every speed run.
Completely reveal the map of a level.
Spend 500,000 loot.
Strange Souvenirs
Find all three skulls in any level.
That’s the Plan
Find all standard and royal gadget blueprints.
The Royal Whee
Reach maximum speed with the Chariot.
Obtain a gold medal in a speed run with no gadget equipped.
Collect ALL the hidden level's loot and reach the exit without losing any of it.
Reach the exit of the hidden level with no gadget equipped.
Wrong Way
Find a different entrance than the one you came in through.